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Search: ' Euro 68'


“Football can’t exist in a bubble”: Forest Green leading the way on sustainability

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The top level of the game is only just beginning to address its huge carbon footprint but the League Two club have long made environmental responsibility their ethos

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Focus on Benito Carbone: Bradford City and Sheffield Wednesday’s popular Italian playmaker

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The flamboyant forward delighted the Premier League with his eye for the spectacular – and helped save the Bantams by writing off the millions owed to him in wages

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Decorated players: How adding stars for historic honours became a kit trend

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In both the domestic and international game, past glories are increasingly shown off on and around the badge – but it’s not always obvious exactly what achievements they denote

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WSC 392 out now

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November issue available now online and in store

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Focus on Marian Pahars: The livewire Latvian who helped Southampton settle at St Mary’s

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The first player from his country to play in the Premier League, the striker became a cult hero among fans despite injury problems in his seven years on the south coast

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